Publish Date : 2022/3/30
Press Unit : Railway Bureau, MOTC
Press Contact: Xiao Shu-Jun, Section Chief
TEL : 0970-027-382
Integrity Platform for Taoyuan Urban District Railway Underground Project Launching Ceremony by
The Railway Bureau of Ministry of Transportation and Communications
The Railway Bureau of MOTC held the launching ceremony and exchange forum of Integrity Platform for Taoyuan Urban District Railway Underground Project at 9:30 a.m. on March 30, 2022 (Wednesday) in International Conference Hall of the Railway Bureau. Huang He-ting, Chief Secretary of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Chen Wei-Lian, Head Prosecutor of Taoyuan District Prosecutor's Office, Cheng Ming-Chian, Director General of Agency Against Corruption, Ministry of Justice, Luo Tian-Jiann, Director of Department of Planning of Public Construction Commission, Executive Yuan, Liao Rong-Xu, Director of the Taoyuan City Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau, Chu Lai-shun, Deputy Director of Taiwan Railways Administration, MOTC, Ding Guo-yao, Director of Department of Civil Service Ethics, MOTC, and about 120 people from relevant agencies of the Taoyuan City Government, and the designer, construction supervision, constructor of this project attended this ceremony to provide guidance and suggestions.
桃園都會區鐵路地下化計畫路線全長約17.945 km,設置8座車站,改建原有桃園、內壢、中壢等3 座車站,並增設鳳鳴站、中路站、桃園醫院站、中原站及平鎮站等5 座通勤站,本計畫總經費為1047.93億元,並預計於119年12月竣工。為減少計畫採購過程及施工阻力,降低風險,確保工程如期、如質、無垢順利完成,同時凝聚各界共識、擴大社會參與,交通部鐵道局特別以「跨域廉結 幸福鐵道」為主題,結合廠商、檢察、廉政、調查及工程會等相關機構,舉辦本次廉政平臺啟動儀式暨交流座談會。
In the Taoyuan Urban District Railway Underground Project, the total length is about 17.945km, and there are 8 stations, including the reconstruction of the 3 existed stations, Taoyuan, Neili and Zhongli, and 5 new commuter stations, Fengming, Zhong Road, Taoyuan Hospital, Zhongyuan and Pingzhen. The total cost is NT$ 104.793 billion, and it is planned to be completed in December 2030. In order to reduce the procurement process and construction resistance, lower the risk, ensure that construction are completed cleanly, on time and on quality, and also condense consensus from each field with enlarged social participation, the Railway Bureau of MOTC especially takes " Inter-Agency Integrity and Happiness Railway" as the theme to connect relevant institutions, such as constructors, prosecutors, integrity, investigation and construction commission, to hold this launching ceremony.
活動首先由主持人伍局長勝園及與會貴賓進行「跨域廉結 幸福鐵道」廉政平臺啟動儀式;接著由交通部鐵道局針對桃園都會區鐵路地下化計畫工程說明與挑戰進行專題介紹,行政院公共工程委員會則針對防範公共工程發生弊端,建立採購及公共工程人員清廉形象進行專題演講,最後,再由參與座談的檢察、廉政、工程會、鐵道局高階主管跟現場廠商代表、其他政府機關進行座談及交換意見,本次座談會於當日12時40分結束。
Wu Sheng-Yuan, Director General of Railway Bureau, MOTC, strated the integrity platform launching ceremony of "Cross-regional Integrity and Happiness Railway". Then, the Railway Bureau gave an introduction for descriptions and challenges of this project. The Public Construction Commission gave the presentation of how to prevent the malpractices of public construction and establish a clean image of procurement. Finally, prosecutors, integrity, public construction commission, and railway bureaus had discussions and exchanged opinions with constructors and other government agencies. This ceremony ended at 12:40 p.m..